- - - - - citybuilding

i believe fervently in the sharing of information and making programming and web development tools available for everyone. collected here are a selection of materials i think could be helpful for beginners. i have noted where i have used something in building this city

=> agentromanoffsir's guide to neocities - the post that finally convinced me to take the plunge. links to so many useful resources and cool places to look on neocities
 -> i used sadgrl's layout builder, linked in that post, to build the layout of this city

=> w3schools (html | css | javascript | php) - a fantastic resource for anybody looking to get into web design. simple, easy to follow, and has explanations and worked examples for just about everything you could ever want to know

=> splendidemendax's media css styles (examples | css) - css classes styled to mimic the look of particular types of screenshots, so you can get that #aesthetic without sacrificing accessibility

=> 1001 fonts - library of fonts, many of which are free for personal or commercial use
 -> this city uses the unseen and raleway

=> unsplash - library of free-to-use images, free of charge
 -> this city's header is from unsplash

=> pick colours from images - also includes a hex/rgb colour picker, though these can also be accessed in most search engines just by searching "colour picker"

=> stackoverflow - the internet's largest repository of knowledge on programming, including web development. if you have a question on html/css/etc and you can't work out the answer, check stackoverflow: somebody else has probably asked it before

=> pixilart - free online pixel art drawing tool, incredibly useful for making pixel art backgrounds and buttons. it's super easy to learn and use: my first pixel arts were all made with pixilart

=> aseprite on steam - full-fledged pixel art software. the nice thing about being hosted on steam is if you try it and don't like it, you can get a refund: also, like many things on steam, it goes on sale reasonably often
 -> this city's background, blinkies and cursor were created using aseprite